Honoring George Jeffrey Baty

George Jeffrey Baty, age 61, was born on Monday, April 23,1962 in Key West, Florida to the late John Henry Baty Sr. and Eloise Stoney-Baty. Jeffrey was the youngest of the seven children born to the union of John and Eloise.

After graduation from Key West High School, Jeffrey embarked on a journey to connect with family and pursue his work career. His first stop was in San Diego with his oldest sister, Lerine. He welcomed the opportunity to see her again but was unable to find employment there and moved on to Los Angeles with his 3rd oldest sister, Ethel. Jeffrey was employed in LA with Montgomery Ward and Standard Brand. After many successful years with those companies, the desire to see more of his family took Jeffrey to Colorado to live with his brother Alfred. Jeffrey returned to Key West for a while, but eventually landed in Fort Pierce, FL where he would establish his home and begin employment with The Hill Group, Inc. Jeffrey's work and contributions to the company were so much admired and appreciated that even as his health failed and he could no longer work as previously, his employer kept him on the payroll, hopeful that he would be able to return. Through many different moves, work experiences, some personal trials and a few climate changes, Jeffrey was always blessed to have the love and support of family. He was overjoyed to connect with his daughter Kah Li and begin to build a closer relationship with her. Jeffrey's legacy of hard work, commitment to family and friends, enthusiasm, and a smile so warm it easily touched all he was blessed to encounter is the testimony of an individual who said "YES" to Jesus as his Lord and Savior - he lived an honest life, a life to honor God.